I'm Blaine, your new matchmaker!

Ready to meet your dream girl?

Here's a small sample of photos that happy clients have sent me with their new girlfriends:

Photo of a posterboard covered with photos of Blaine's happy clients

If you're not meeting women you're excited about...

Or you just want more and better dates...

Let me set you up!

Alongside my coaching practice, I've now been matchmaking for clients for 2+ years.

I'd be thrilled to introduce you to the woman of your dreams 😊

How matchmaking works

Blaine in a blue dress standing on a street in NYC, smiling

Our matchmaking process is simple:

  1. You tell me who you're looking for...
  2. I go find her, and set you up on a date!

Matchmaking packages typically include 1-2 hand picked dates per month.

Unlike other matchmakers, I'm not sourcing your dates from a stale database of picked-over women 🙄

My team has an enormous personal network of attractive single women 25-35 years old, plus...

I have access to literally millions of women around the globe via Instagram!

One of the perks of being "Instagram famous" is that women respond to my DMs 😜

This includes a lot of women who probably wouldn't respond to normal matchmakers, like this NYC-based Vogue cover model I set up with one of my clients:

Screenshot of a DM conversation between Blaine and a Vogue model

I can't guarantee I can set you up on dates with Vogue models...

The types of women who will be interested in you will depend on what you bring to the table 😇

The point is just that I have unique access to whoever you're looking for!

Who we matchmake for

Blaine in a black jumpsuit on a staircase, smiling

Our matchmaking clients tend to be a little different from our coaching clients.

Dating By Blaine matchmaking clients typically:

  1. Feel confident on dates with attractive women and already know how to create romantic chemistry.
  2. Want help meeting women they're attracted to because they're constrained by time, not know-how.
  3. Have achieved meaningful professional success and can comfortably invest five figures in their dating lives.

If you don't meet any of these criteria, let's punt on matchmaking!

Start with one of my coaching programs instead 🙂

If you're still here, and you want me to set you up on dates...

Let's chat already!

Matchmaking slots are very limited, and we don't have the capacity to work with everyone.

Tap below to get in touch.

Before you go...

Blaine in a white shirt in a brick loft, arms folded, smiling

A few more notes about our matchmaking process:

  • We have the strongest personal networks  in NYC, LA, SF, and Austin. We've had great results matchmaking for guys outside of these cities, but if you're based somewhere more remote, you might be better off working with a local matchmaker.
  • Many of our clients are open to dating across the United States. This isn't a requirement, but if your lifestyle enables you to travel for dates, it will open up and elevate your options considerably.
  • If you have unrealistic criteria, we can't help you. For example, if you're pushing 50, there are absolutely 28-32 year-old-women out there who would be open to dating you, but adding additional criteria (e.g. "expert skier, Ivy League education...") will make your pool of potential matches vanishingly slim, and I don't want to waste your money or my time.

I think that's it for now! I'm excited to chat with you 😊